Image by Jocelyn Knight
One step. Small steps. Big steps.
And, now, just a few more.
What a remarkable journey it has been to forever protect Martha. This note is our way of saying that we still need your help. As the man once said, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.” We are so close, but it ain’t over.
It began with a vision, an idea: this treasure atop a hill above Tiburon could be saved from development. Yes, there was resolve and a collective belief: Martha could be saved.
In small steps: neighbors and friends pledged their support with time and small donations.
And then, years in the making, major donations followed: a partnership with the Trust for Public Land, the success of Measure M, significant pledges from the Town of Tiburon, Marin County, the City of Belvedere, the Tiburon and Belvedere Community Foundations. All large, important, and necessary steps.
And it continues as so many individuals and organizations pledge their additional support in the race to realize this dream. The Town of Tiburon has pledged an additional $1 million contingent upon everyone continuing to raise funds. The Belvedere Community Foundation has pledged to match up to $50,000 as a donation matching grant. There are other public and private donors who have demonstrated their support… and tireless resolve.
And, now, with the deadline just ahead, we need your help in taking just a few more steps to cross the finish line. These last few steps are actually giant steps leading to an open-to-all-and-forever Martha.
Please donate whatever you can. $1,000? $100? $50? All gifts matter as we need the funds, and very much want to demonstrate, to anyone who will listen, that this community continues to believe that saving and stewarding Martha is worth doing until it’s done.
Donate, call us. Ask someone else to send a donation. Show your support.
As we have from the beginning, we need your help. And, as always, thank you.